Systems Integration: What it is and How SMEs can Benefit 

04/07/2018 07:49

When it comes to business, there’s nothing more important than eliminating unnecessary costs and boosting efficiency. The goal of every business – big or small – should always be focused on making the various systems across the concern as well-balanced and useful to one another as possible.

This is where systems integration comes in and it can have very real benefits for SMEs, no matter the sector they operate in.


The name of the game in business is being as productive as possible and, preferably, doing it in the most efficient way. Many businesses don’t see their productivity where it could be because their operation features standalone systems that don’t work together.

Software and systems that deal with stock, invoicing, accounts and other operations are often left on their own, with minimal interconnectivity. A simple missed figure or a wrong input can mean problems across multiple areas of business. Systems integration does away with this issue for good. By linking these different systems together your business not only benefits from eliminated mistakes, it also derives value from the fact that you now have a clear overview of the business and how each area impacts the other. This means, in the long-term, major boosts to productivity.

More Agility

SMEs need to be able to move fast to correct problems and seize opportunities. A failure to do so can have huge repercussions and by the time you react, it’s already too late.

Systems integration affords insight into issues as they occur, enabling your business to be agile and proactive, instead of entirely reactive. Without systems integration, a problem can sit and swell on a system until it becomes a crisis. That then means all energy and focus has to go into one issue, rather than the daily affairs of running the business. The result is lost time, lost money and all because there was no comprehensive outline of business operations.

Time & Money

The effort of maintaining and updating independent systems is an onerous one, and by the time one is up to speed, another requires attention. It becomes a never-ending game of updating and checking, with the business basically going in circles.

In an integrated system, maintenance is a one-shot affair. It’s a simple matter of applying overarching principles and then some focused work, and the system is good to go. If there’s an issue, it’s easy to spot and remedy before it becomes a major problem. This means real savings in terms of time and money, and you can just focus on doing what you do best. 

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