The growing power of e-commerce for your SME

22/03/2018 05:46

If your business operates in the retail sector, it’s likely that you have a website that enables you to sell your goods to customers.

Thanks to a shift in the way that people search for, engage with and buy products, the role of e-commerce has never been more prevalent.

From a superficial point of view, having an e-commerce platform may just seem like another way to utilize the benefits of technology, but have you considered how it can help you SME grow? Read on to find out more.

Global opportunities

Once you have set up an e-commerce website online, you are no longer restricted by your geographical location in the same way that you are if you just operate out of a shop. Thanks to the World Wide Web, you will be able to increase your visibility and reach your target audience from all corners of the globe.

A reliance on automation

Running a shop has a number of different costs associated with it including staff and physical space. In contrast to this, an e-commerce platform will already have the processes such as checkout, payments and operational capabilities built into it. When you are making these types of savings, it’s then easier to offer your customers promotions and discounts, encouraging them to keep shopping with you.

Readily available information

Often shoppers are looking for more than just products when they visit on an online store, they’re also in search of an experience. Having an e-commerce platform makes this easy to achieve. You can post blog posts and articles related to your products and can offer resolutions to common problems that your customers may face. This information can be readily available on a website and is much easier to engage with than it is in a shop. You can promote this content on you social media channels, which will in turn increase traffic to your site and result in increased sales.

Analyze demographic data

Are you struggling to sell certain products or finding that your sales dip towards the middle or end of the month? Having an e-commerce website will enable you to take advantage of analytical features to understand your customers more and what motivates them to shop.

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