Why are recruitment and retention issues such an issue for SMEs at the moment?

20/03/2018 05:20

Hiring high-quality staff is a problem for all businesses and it seems that at the moment SMEs are faring pretty badly when it comes to recruitment and retention.

With statistics revealing that one in five SMEs have problems with high levels of staff turnover and recruitment, what steps can businesses take to ensure that they get the right talent through the door and hold onto them to?

Look for more than a technical ability

When it comes to hiring new staff, one of the most important things to realize is that while technical skills can be taught, morals and values cannot. You need to find people that have the same attitude that you are promoting within your company as this will ensure that they can integrate well into your team. To achieve this, be open and upfront about your company culture and invite them to meet the other members of your team so you can get a feel for how well they are likely to fit in. Someone who is a good match and shares the same core values that you do regarding business is much more likely to stick around than someone who doesn’t.

Consider the future of your business

When recruiting, it can be easy to consider the here and now and think about what skills you need to fill today’s requirement, but if your business is dynamic, it’s likely that you’re always thinking about growth. In terms of recruiting, you need to look for people that will be able to develop with your company, and this is particularly important for junior roles. Consider the skill-set of every person that you interview and think about how you could build on these to fit the needs of your company in the future.

Engage with learning and development

If you want your SME to grow and prosper, you need to make sure that you are constantly encouraging your team to develop their skills. Be sure to mention that this is something that is part of your culture at interview stage. Ambitious candidates will be excited by the opportunity to work their way up through the ranks.

Keep it consistent

If different people are conducting interviews throughout your company, you need to be sure that there is a level of consistency being applied. The same questions should be being asked, as well as information about the company being presented.

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