Customers! Finding them & keeping them is the life-blood of any business. How can your business go about this? 

04/05/2020 12:33

Through methods like networking, social media posts, hosting events,  online advertising etc to get  your business's name out there, how can businesses effectively gain profitable new customers? 

Gaining new customers and maintaining the ones you already have is an on-going daily endeavour for an businesses survival and ultimately profitable existence. 
Here are a few pointers whether you are a new business in town or an existing business looking to grow or maybe even entering new international markets. 
"aim" - you MUST define your target audience 

Who are your ideal and most profitable target customers. Whats is their demographics, geographics and psychografics?.  This involves knowing and understanding your current customers to create a description for your target customer for those already in business. If you are a new starter, exploring existing similar business can reveal a lot of valuable information. 

Who are your competitors? 

These including same sector, similar companies but could also include alternatives to your product/ service offering by other none similar or same sector businesses. Differentiation is the key factor for a unique customer proposition, so creating a product or service that hits the same target market can be effective so long as it’s unique. 

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Word-of-mouth referrals & loyalty programs 
It may be a good idea to set up an incentive program so your loyal customers can benefit from bringing in new business as there’s nothing more powerful than a genuine business referral. Asking both all your customers and none customers to refer potential clients is simple, easy and zero-cost way to generate new business. 


It is said, "Our Network is our Net-worth," and networking is a key aspect of businesses ongoing lead generation marketing acquisition efforts.  Getting your business’s name out there and showing you’re an active member in the local community are essential ways to not only keep your business afloat but also awareness with your target potential customers base. Keeping in mind for when the need does arise to be 1st potential problem solver they turn to. 

Social media & content marketing 

Social media & all digital marketing is the future of small business marketing and engagement. Not only is it another platform for networking, it can be the most efficient as well as cost effective, not to mention measurable. Not only can you easily connect with both new and loyal customers, the platforms enables to reach a far much greater audience through content likes, retweets / shares.  Staying active on social media is no longer an option but a MUST for business now and in the future. 

Strategic partnerships & collaboration with a complementary business 

Life and certainly business is a "Team Sport" and you must find ways to collaborate with complementary businesses with the immediate benefit being reach to your target market in a cost effective and efficient manner which would have otherwise been costly if not out of reach. 

Online webinars & other events you could host 

The aim here is to be creative and build fun events for your customers, target customers, strategic partners to attend with a focus on delivering value for them whilst positioning yourself as thought leaders as well as keep at the forefront of their minds and even educating your target market on problems they could be facing, thus providing possible answers or solutions to those problems. 

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