Tips for Developing Organizational Leadership

09/05/2022 07:00

Organizational leadership extends far beyond senior management.

Organizational leadership is not limited to senior management. Rather, organizational leadership is something that every employee assumes, either implicitly or explicitly. The concept of organizational leadership has long been recognized in management literature. All people within the organization are stakeholders of the organization and, therefore, bring some level of leadership to their roles. 

Whether they are in management or not, they are leading others by virtue of their influence on others, their ability to create shared understanding, or their ability to coordinate activities across groups.

• A leader knows the right things to say at the right time, communicates effectively with employees, supports them, and values them.

 • A leader values the different skills possessed by each employee.

• A leader helps employees feel connected to the organization’s purpose and values.

• A leader continuously evaluates how he or she leads—and then leads differently if needed.

• A leader leads through inspiration, example, and expectation setting.

The most important thing a leader can do is inspire those around them. Inspiration in the workplace can come in many forms, but it is often found in a person’s ability to embrace change. Change has become the only constant in today’s world, and people are expected to adapt quickly and efficiently to these changes. It takes an inspiring leader to instil confidence in their employees and keep up with the ever-changing needs of their teams.

When a leader is successful at inspiring people, the organization will reap the benefits. They will have engaged employees who become more productive, satisfied co-workers willing to go above and beyond for their company, and competitive advantages over any competitors faced by the company.

The leader should make it a point to take the time to show their appreciation for their employees. It does not have to be at every meeting but should be done on a regular basis. The leader should also be able to take criticism well and learn from it. If the situation calls for it, he or she should be willing to change his or her approach so that future mistakes can be avoided.

To be a great leader, you must first show your team that you care about them. When employees feel appreciated, motivated, and inspired, they will work harder and more efficiently. It is important to take the time to thank your team for their hard work and dedication. By doing so, you are showing them that you value what they do and that they can trust you to make decisions for the company in their best interest.

