UK Market

Blog categorized as UK Market

How does migration benefit different industries within the UK? 
Migration within the UK is something that is always on the public agenda. While some are opposed to it, others believe that it is something which is necessary in order for businesses and certain sectors to flourish.
How is the e-commerce industry impacting on UK retail? 
At present, the retail industry is going through a wave of change thanks to one main component. E-commerce.
Is growth within the hospitality industry likely to be negatively impacted by Brexit?
The impact of Brexit is far-reaching and is likely to negatively impact on a number of industries, one being hospitality.
Are construction firms putting too much of an emphasis on immediate financial goals?
The collapse of Carillion, a major British multinational facilities management and construction services company, has highlighted some major downfalls within the UK construction industry .
Should manufacturing firms be concerned about sustainability to help facilitate growth?
According to recent statistics, the manufacturing industry in the UK is seeing good levels of growth at the moment.
Are developers to blame for the housing shortage? 
It’s no secret that there is a chronic housing shortage in the UK at the moment. The average estate agent typically has 42 homes on their books per branch
The number of SMEs trading internationally has halved, but the benefits are still paramount
Statistics recently released by WorldFirst have revealed that the number of SMEs that are trading internationally is steadily declining. The figure dropped to 1.5 million last year, just half of what it was in 2016.
Why are SMEs being ignored by the Government regarding concerns about leaving the EU?
The impending doom of Brexit is still hanging over many SMEs heads, particularly with regards to expanding and trading globally and boosting profitability.
How is the Prime Minister planning to address the housing shortage problem in the UK?
The Prime Minister has recently revealed that her second most pertinent concern, first of course being the ever topical Brexit, is to address the housing shortage in the UK.
Why and how to prepare your finances for the implications of Brexit
While there is still uncertainty surrounding whether we will have a hard or soft Brexit, it is important that SMEs prepare whatever the outcome is in 2019.
What can your SME learn from the Carillion disaster in terms of finance?
If the Carillion collapse has highlighted one thing, it’s that small businesses need to have access to the relevant finance for their needs.
Will changes to gig economy worker employment rights affect your SME?  
If you run an SME, you’ll know that one of the most important parts of your business is your staff and the way that you treat them at work.
Soft Brexit could lead to 1.9% economy expansion, how will SMEs be impacted?
Speculations surrounding the upcoming Brexit are still circulating, and the most recent revelation is regarding the expansion that could occur if a soft Brexit was to take place.
The most influential UK-based SMEs at present 
SMEs are the bread and butter of the UK economy, providing millions of people with jobs and services across a plethora of different sectors.
