Small Business Finance

Blog categorized as Small Business Finance

EIS is a great way to invest in small businesses.
The Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) is a UK government-backed scheme that provides tax relief to individuals who invest in small companies. There are two types of EIS schemes available: Early Stage and Expansion.
14/12/2022 05:54 - Comment(s)
Accounting Profit vs Economic Profit
The difference between accounting profit and economic profit is a concept that can be confusing to many. Accounting profit is how much money you make based on the amount of revenue and costs, while economic profit takes into account the opportunity cost.
12/12/2022 14:18 - Comment(s)
Why Bother? Understanding Financial Ratios
Key financial ratios are one of the most important metrics for analyzing a company's health. Comparing company performance to industry and sector benchmarks allows you to get a sense of whether a company is experiencing growth, profitability or distress.
07/12/2022 07:06 - Comment(s)
Why do lenders ask for collateral, security, or a personal guarantee?
The best reason to provide a personal guarantee is that you are invested in the success of your business. If something happens to the business and it can't pay its bills, a personal guarantee means that you will be responsible for those bills until they are paid.
05/12/2022 08:51 - Comment(s)
What is working capital management?
Do you know what working capital is and how it can help your business? Working capital is the money a business uses to run day-to-day operations, such as paying suppliers and employees.
02/12/2022 04:08 - Comment(s)
Why are SMEs unable to take advantage of available financing?
There are many reasons why small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) find it hard to access financing: they might not have a long track record, or operate in an industry that few banks understand. Or they may simply not have enough collateral - or the right collateral - to get the loan they need.
30/11/2022 06:51 - Comment(s)
What are the sources of working capital finance?
Capital is the fuel that keeps a business running. Without it, you can't expand your market or hire more employees. There are many sources of capital available to businesses, including loans and equity investments.
27/11/2022 11:27 - Comment(s)
What is meant by supply chain financing?
What is meant by supply chain financing? Supply chain financing is a type of loan that allows business owners to fund their inventory, working capital, and purchase of raw materials. Get a loan in hours instead of days.
26/11/2022 03:22 - Comment(s)
Why do SMEs default their business loans?
Businesses fail to pay back their loans for a variety of reasons. Some may be due to financial mismanagement, while others may be the result of factors beyond the business's control. Whatever the reason, it is important to remember that businesses are not always able to repay their loans.
18/11/2022 09:30 - Comment(s)
Revolving Credit Facility: What Does it Mean for UK Small Businesses?
The Revolving Credit Facility is a revolving loan agreement designed to provide working capital to support your business growth. The revolving credit line is a source of highly flexible funding.
14/11/2022 09:14 - Comment(s)
Tips for Managing Business Cash Flow
Cash is king! Managing your cash flow is an essential part of running a successful business. Here are some ways for small businesses to optimize business cash flow and have the working capital necessary to grow
11/11/2022 17:52 - Comment(s)
Financial statements—what they are and why you need them
Financial statements - what they are and why you need them. They inform you about your business performance, past and present and help you plan for your future.
09/11/2022 06:07 - Comment(s)
The Risks and Rewards of Bank Lending
When entering into a loan or credit agreement, both lender and borrower take risks. They do so because they believe the potential rewards justify the risk.
11/08/2022 11:15 - Comment(s)
The Best Lending Options for Your Business
Small Businesses need financing for working capital because a business must incur and pay for expenditures before it receives money from sales to customers.
08/08/2022 11:15 - Comment(s)
3 ways invoice finance can help you grow your small business
Sometimes it takes more than hard work to take your business to the next level. 3 ways invoice finance can help you grow your small business
02/05/2022 14:16 - Comment(s)
UK Government Covid-19 Business Loans Repayment
As the Government loan schemes supporting businesses during Covid-19 gradually come to an end, many borrowers now face sizeable repayments. But with the economy still recovering, securing some additional funding could prove a vital lifeline for businesses in the coming months.
01/05/2022 12:21 - Comment(s)
