
Blog tagged as businesses

How to ensure that your SME is behaving productively
When you’re running an SME, one of the biggest things that you are trying to achieve is high levels of productivity. Being productive means that your workforce is hitting targets and is producing high levels of work
Why are recruitment and retention issues such an issue for SMEs at the moment?
Hiring high-quality staff is a problem for all businesses and it seems that at the moment SMEs are faring pretty badly when it comes to recruitment and retention.
Innovative companies that you should be taking inspiration from
While mimicking other companies isn’t something that you should ever be engaging in, taking inspiration from businesses that do things well can help you grow and succeed.
5 brilliant apps that all SMEs need to know about 
It’s estimated that 2.5 billion people will be using smartphones by 2019, so engaging with apps is also important if an SME is going to be successful. Read on to find out about five of the best apps for SMEs at present.
Why are things fraught between banks and SMEs?
SMEs and banks do not always have the best relationship. The UK is leading the way in Europe for ‘start ups’, but many businesses have become afraid of the risks involved in borrowing to help them expand their companies further...
How SMEs can ensure they both survive and thrive in 2018
SME’s face uncertain times in the coming year with the growing threat of Brexit and the many changes both in the UK and overseas.
How SMEs can benefit from GDPR
The new law comes into effect in May 2018, and while many SMEs are in the dark about the realities of this new directive, the fact is that this new development could bring with it some great advantages for small to medium-sized enterprises.
How to benefit from the potential of digital sales in 2018
Like almost everything else in the world of business, the process of selling has undergone dramatic changes in recent years. Let’s look at some of the ways smaller companies can benefit from becoming more digital in their selling strategy both this year and beyond.
Investing in Business-Critical Areas Can Eliminate SME Productivity Challenges
Investing in business-critical areas is essential for companies that want to succeed in the long run. These areas are often related to technology, customer service, and marketing, and they can make or break a business.
