Blog tagged as retail

Revolutionizing the Marketplace: Exploring the Future of Retail and E-Commerce Trends
Discover the future of retail and e-commerce trends shaping the industry. From immersive technology to personalization powered by AI, this comprehensive guide explores the innovative developments that are transforming shopping experiences.
20/08/2023 16:28 - Comment(s)
What does the closure of more shops on the high street say about the changing face of the UK retail industry?
The closure of more high street shops has highlighted a transformation in the retail industry and the way that consumers are choosing to shop for fashion items.
Is the High Street Doomed?
Gloomy predictions about the future of the high street have been a common theme in the news over the last few years. A host of well-known brands are either gone or seem to be struggling against the modern shopper’s thirst for online options.
High street spending continues to falter
Recent news has made grim reading for high street retailers, with one in ten high street stores standing empty and, seemingly, no light at the end of the tunnel.
Things to consider when buying a shop 
Buying a shop has both benefits and drawbacks for new business owners. It’s a fair bet that if the previous shop owner has reaped success with the location you may also fare well and often there will be trained staff and suppliers already established.
Why e-commerce customer support and interaction is so important 
The e-commerce industry has come on leaps and bounds in recent years, fuelled by a continuing reliance on technology as well as a complete shift in the way that people shop. While it harbours many benefits for businesses, one area that it can fall down on is customer support and interaction.
What steps could retail stores take to compete with the surge in e-commerce and online retail? 
The flurry of stories about collapsing high street stores and the growth of e-commerce is leading many people to draw the conclusion that bricks and mortar retail is dead.
How is the e-commerce industry impacting on UK retail? 
At present, the retail industry is going through a wave of change thanks to one main component. E-commerce.
The growing power of e-commerce for your SME
If your business operates in the retail sector, it’s likely that you have a website that enables you to sell your goods to customers. The role of e-commerce has never been more prevalent.
